Well, followers of KT Miniatures will know that I have been awaiting the birth of my granddaughter for weeks. She had been giving her poor mum a real hard time from day one, it had not been an easy pregnancy. There have been a few dodgy moments, particularly at 28 weeks, and we all expected her to come early. Then the due date came and went, and the days rolled by. As my mega big birthday loomed on the horizon, family and friends would titter and say that wouldn't it be funny if she was born on my 60th birthday. But then we all thought no, she would definitely come before then surely:)
Ha ha, but guess what......9 days after the due date, on the afternoon of my 60th birthday last week, little Josie was born. Mum and baby are doing just fine. So my birthday plans were slightly amended last minute, and I spent my birthday evening at the hospital cuddling little Josie. The best birthday present ever....how could anything ever top that from now on!!!
I have been undertaking extra Grandma duties for her big brother and partaking in birthday celebrations ever since, but normality has now returned and I'm back at my computer once again. Apologies for any slight delay in replying to emails and queries.