Well, after having been laid up (literally) for 2 months over the summer, life is well and truly getting back to normal. KT Miniatures' phone has been ringing once more and emails are flowing constantly through my inbox...it is so nice to be back! Although I'm still not able to sit at my workbench as such just yet and "create" at the pace I normally do....I have actually been making some unique 1930s lino (great fun) and cutting wood etc, for our next workshop......(the postponed one from September which is now taking place in October. Ummmm......yep, all due to me...I am blushing as I type)!
This is a rare glimpse of my workroom....incredibly tidy compared to what it usually is when I'm working at full capacity!
I am pleased to say that all the ladies who were booked for September have been wonderful and very understanding....
THANK YOU LADIES. And my long suffering workshop colleague Robin has been too. It was so nice to have a proper
workshop management meeting with Robin
(aka just a natter and gossip between mates actually if truth be known) at our favourite Thame coffee shop the other day, outside in the sunshine. Aaaaah yep, life is certainly slowly getting back to normal!
However, already we are working on our 2013 workshops can you believe and now have a title, date and super venue for an April workshop.....which will be taking place in the classroom block once more at
Waterperry Gardens in Oxfordshire.
Booking has not officially started yet as we still need to finalise details but already we have a very full reserve list of people wishing to come. So do get in touch if you would like to be added to the reserve list......we hope to get an official promotional page with full details of what we will be making etc. up and running in October.
See our
Nostalgia In Miniature Workshops website for any up to date info.
Meanwhile, let me tell you about......
Our Christmas Special Workshop
This all day workshop is taking place on Saturday 24th November at Thame Guide HQ and the official title of this workshop is.....
The scene is based on the c1910 song with an added Christmas twist!
We will be making a little Edwardian scene in either 1/12th or 1/24th
scale, with an MDF base, back and two side walls plus a chimney
breast. Attendees will also be shown how to fix wooden skirting, picture
rails, create a magnificent Edwardian wooden fireplace
(with mock tiles),
design and create simple vintage style wallpaper and partly paper the
room with it, just like father. We will also be making lots of other
little details - such as floorboards in a new technique not shown in
our workshops before, a crate
(for father to stand on), a brush,
a paper hanger's pail of paste, scissors, an old fashioned table,
Edwardian Christmas cards and a box of Christmas decorations tumbling
Booking is now open for this all day workshop and at the time of writing this blog, we currently have 4 spaces left available. Attendees won' be forced to sing the song...honest! But there is a rumour that there will be mulled wine, mince pies and chocolate - so anything is liable to happen - should be a great day so why not come and join us!? Suitable for beginners and experienced miniaturists alike - all are welcome.
And now some stuff about KT Miniatures Website...
Am slowly changing the template over on my Exclusive Items pages.....so that it is more or less the same as the vintage pages. I have to say that during the summer, whilst lying down feeling like death and feeling very sorry for myself.....I did actually do a lot of thinking about the future of KT Miniatures and plans may well be affoot but more about that another day! With the old template, I am so restricted and is a nightmare to list stuff.....the pages take on a whole mind of their own at times. So far, I have been able to change over the Kitchen & Scullery, General and Bedroom pages.........the rest will be done gradually over the next couple of weeks or so. But an added advantage of this template is that it also means that you have instant links to the other pages in the Exclusive Items range, on the right hand side bar. Hope you like this.
Ok.....now a little niggle that pops up from time to time......
Occasionally I am asked by a customer why they cannot see the new items that I have mentioned either in my newsletter or on this blog? It appears that they sometimes see either an old link or a mixture of new text but old links to photos on my website - very confusing and frustrating for all concerned???
Well....after discussing this with my IT Director (aka Dave my long suffering husband).....we can only think that some of your computers are remembering what it saw before when you logged on.....and you simply need to refresh each page. For those of you who refresh the page but then get the new text but not photo to match, apart from using a few well chosen expletives, will need to look at how their computer is set up. If you are no techno wizard then ask someone who is and they may be able to help you sort out your "computer history set up" so that your computer will automatically view updates on website pages. Hope this helps?
PS. Or....you can try that old trusted solution (no...not hit or kick it)....but to turn off your system, leave for a few minutes and turn it on again!