I am pleased to announce the launch of the Breast Cancer Campaign Raffle Page on KT Miniatures website today, after a slight delay it is now live...HOORAY!!!
Visitors to my website this morning were probably wondering what on earth was going on as my Home Page seemed to take on a life of its own but it was only me trying to participate in a spot of web designing all on my very own (oh dear...BIG MISTAKE) resulting inevitably in “mucking it all up” and having to promptly engage the services of hubby to put it back together again! Oh well, its suitably back up and running again now and you can begin to feast your eyes on the goodies that have already been donated to the wonderful Breast Cancer Campaign Raffle that will take place at THE Thame Dolls House & Miniatures Fair on Saturday 19th February 2011.
Although I am no longer able to organise this wonderful and special annual event, I have agreed to continue to co-ordinate the Breast Cancer Campaign Raffle and Sales Table. So here we are.....already I have been given donations that are "to die for"..... from not just UK artisans but overseas as well!
The extremely talented Deb Jackson of Deb Jackson Designs who produces the most weeniest breathtaking unique and unusual miniatures, has donated this exquisite "The Art Of The Miniaturist" book. No, your eyes are not deceiving you....yes there really is a weeny metal chair sitting on the front cover!!! If you would like to see more of Deb's amazing work then do go visit her website: http://www.debjacksondesigns.com/ |
Tony Knott, who is extremely well known in the miniatures world for his amazing historically accurate Tudor & Medieval buildings and accessories, has donated this delightful little solid bronze jug with distressed gilding. This would look brilliant with a flower arrangement. For more of Tony's work, see: http://www.tonyknott.co.uk/ |
Ellie de Lacy, who is famous for her delightful paintings, has donated this fabulous set of limited edition fully printed and illustrated leather bound books - recent additions to her ever growing list of gorgeous handmade products. They are truly wonderful and would not look out of a place in an antique dolls house, as they look authentically old! If you would like to see Ellies full range of products then do go visit her website on: http://www.elliedelacy.co.uk/index.html
Mary Williams has donated this exquisite doll dressed in an Edwardian walking suit trimmed with pink and co-ordinating hat with roses. Mary produces beautiful porcelain dressed dolls in a whole variety of costumes from past eras to 20th century. If you would like to see more of Mary's wonderful work then do go see her website: http://www.dollshousedolls.co.uk/ |
This gorgeous late 19th century style hat of dusky pink silk velvet with handmade silk flowers has been donated by Lanzarote based Janine Crocker of Miss Amelia's Miniatures. To view more of Janines amazing millinery and other creations do go check out her website: http://www.missameliasminiatures.com/
You can see lots more including donations from Australian artisans Kathy Brindle and Lidi Stroud, by clicking onto the Breast Cancer Campaign Raffle Page, either by the following link http://www.ktminiatures.com/Raffle.html or there is a sliding pictorial box link based on KT Miniatures Home Page. More donations will be added as they come in so do keep checking.
1 comment:
Having been lucky enough to see a few of these amazing donations...I can confirm it is going to be a raffle to die for....
You will get one from me...need to get organised first Celia.Lol.
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