"Mr KT" (Dave Thomas) |
I would just like to say a huge "thank you" for all your messages of condolences via emails and cards sent since "Mr KT's" passing. I have been overwhelmed by your kindness and all your communications have helped me greatly. Am sorry I won't be able to reply to everybody personally due to the sheer volume received, but hope that you will accept this as my reply to you all. I can assure you that I have read every single one of your messages.
I am ok but recognise that after 36 years of marriage it will take quite some time to adjust. The shock of recent events took a while to sink in but now the funeral is over, reality has well and truly kicked in with a vengeance.
Apart from missing him terribly, there is still probate and niggles that have yet to be sorted, but we are moving in the right direction. I also do have some issues with my server and website, all of which need sorting out by someone technically minded who knows what they are doing. So I am going to have to enlist help to do all those computer/website things that Dave used to do for me. I am hoping that www.ktminiatures.com will not have to go offline for any length of time whilst server changes are made, but if it does...please do keep checking back. Hopefully it won't be necessary to go offline at all....keep yer fingers crossed for me!
So am sorry but KT Miniatures will have to stay closed just a little while longer until all the necessary technical stuff has been completed. Any outstanding enquiries will be dealt with as soon as I am able to open for business once more. Meanwhile, thank you for your continued patience and I hope to bounce right back with KT Miniatures fully operational in a few days time.