Monday, 20 May 2013

New KT Miniatures Website....Work In Progress!

 I'll be a little quiet over the next few am in the middle of creating a brand new website for KT Miniatures.
It's coming together nicely, although there have been one or two hiccups! Luckily though, my IT Director...aka Mr KT Miniatures, has been hovering in the background to ensure that I press the right buttons! Am actually quite enjoying it as I suppose it's quite a creative exercise.....but will be glad when it's complete as already my eyes are going rather Googly!

There is a great necessity for a new website as my current one is deemed old technology..... consequently some of you who try to view KT Miniatures website via iPads and certain mobiles cannot get many of the links to work. Fingers crossed, the new one will be far more iPad and mobile compatible!! A lot of research and thought has gone into this new much sleeker template. Although it is quite different in format, I have tried to incorporate some original features in order to help give viewing customers a feeling of familiarity.

For now, the normal website will be visible and you can still order in the usual way so don't worry. But am hopeful that at some point next week, the new one will be able to go live.


  1. Good luck looking forward to seeing your new website

  2. Many thanks Wee Life.....hopefully the new site should be up and running in a few days. Celia
