Thursday, 16 May 2013

Little Cardboard Box Project....Part Three

I've been much inspired to get on with this little cardboard box project-this is not a commission but a project for our local Thame club, made simply out of a cardboard box and "bits" that I had lying around. If you wish to see how I got to this point, please click here for Part One and Part Two. It is so easy and such a cheap project to construct.
 It is now progressing nicely from when you last saw it...the window and ceiling up to this point are in and walls fully painted. As promised, I have more photos to show you of the next few stages and hope that you may find it inspiring too.
Some mount board was sliced up in approx. 1/2"strips with scissors rather than a craft knife, as I wanted a slightly random and uneven look. A coat of burnt umber acrylic paint was applied first before they were glued into place.

Then two coats of raw umber were applied over the top, slightly sanded when dry and finally a light touch of white was dry brushed over the top. Some offcuts of skirting board was cut to fit, painted white then glued in place. Two of the strips were cut to create extra interest...some nail heads with a sharp pencil will be added shortly to the ends of those cut planks.

You probably know by now that I'm most definitely not into completely pristine, neat and tidy scenes....I prefer more realistic and lived in just had to add a little burnt umber to corners and random patches to gently give a hint of aging. Am very pleased with the result.

To finish the top window, a very thin inner frame was created from 1/16" x 1/16" beading, painted white then fitted into place. A little window casement fastener (window prop) was made from a sliced up freezer bag strip, painted, curled at one end then glued into place. 
I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to Kensington Dolls House Festival last Sunday and purchased two weeny toy dolls house dolls by Canadian artisan Janice Crawley and an exquisite auricula plant off the very talented Jan Southerton of "The Flower Lady." The plant was glued to a very old metal Dol-Toi plate and fixed centrally onto the window sill. The larger of the two dolls was glued onto the window sill too so that she can sit and survey her kingdom! The naked baby doll is not featured in the photos but hope to have her dressed somehow by the time this project is complete!

My great mate Robin Britton of Coombe Crafts, who also belongs to our local club, has taken a keen interest in my little box and has made me a wonderful little girl complete with black bobbed hair in pink pyjamas (hmm-wonder who that was based on)lol!

The little jointed teddy was another find at Kensington Fair made by artisan, Pat Kay. The little girl wanted to sit up on the window sill to show "Big Ted" the twinkly starry night sky!

I completely succumbed to this particular teddy as he is a complete replica of my Big Ted that I had as a child and I love it! Robin's dolls are created in such a way that they are completely flexible and poseable. Robin always puts such character into her little creations.  The little girl is  no exception and is such a fidget....she has now jumped down and is now introducing Big Ted to Miss Dolly.

I have made a small nursery bed from wood scraps that I had lying around and  painted it in pale green....the plan is to make bedding, topped with this pretty vintage Dol-Toi eiderdown from Marion Osborne's Collection. 
But that is well and truly it for now.  
 Hope you have enjoyed taking a peek as much as I have enjoyed constructing this little "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Room Box"! I will feature it on here one last time when it is complete.

However that may be a while from now as I am in the throes of creating a brand new KT Miniatures website....hopefully one that will be more mobile and iPad friendly!
Bye for now..........


  1. This is going to be a truly gorgeous room box - and I'm thrilled that one of my 'children' is going to be part of it. Thanks Celia.

  2. Cheers for the little doll chuffed to bits with it. Celia

  3. Hello Celia,
    Your ageing is greatr. The roombox is just lovely! The coirners really do look magnificent. I cannot wait to see it finished. I am glad you had funa t the fair and I really love your purchases. Good luck with the website.
    Big hug,

  4. Thank you Giac and Eliana for taking the time to comment.

    Giac...the new website is coming on but is very time consuming. However it is giving me a chance to streamline KT Miniatures products etc. Celia

  5. I love how it looks..from the floor to the ceiliing and now a bed..just wonderful!


  6. Aww...thanks Steinworks for your kind comment. Hopefully I will get this finished very soon...have lots more ideas to put into it! Celia
