Tuesday, 24 March 2020

So Now KT Miniatures Is Closed For The Moment...Scary Times!

Ok, after last night's announcement, the UK is now more or less in a kind of lockdown. 
 It was not unexpected and now KT Miniatures has had to close its creaky little door just for the moment.With regards to all outstanding current orders, I have now contacted all those customers that would be affected.

My daughter has come back here for a short while, which I am pleased about as she is in a high risk health bracket...so consequently I've been worrying sick about her. It is good to be able to keep an eye on her and have her closer. She is now able to work from here, plus it is nice to have someone to talk to. For those of you out there who are in lockdown all on your own, my heart goes out to you...but do stay in touch. The world of miniatures can be so therapeutic at times like these.

Now that I have so much time on my hands, I am planning to catch up on various miniature projects that need attending to, which should keep me busy for the moment. I will show you one or two of them on here, if all goes to plan. 

Meanwhile I would just to like wish you all the very best of luck, stay safe from this dreaded Coronavirus, and let's hope for happier times.
 Don't forget to keep washing those hands!
Stay safe and healthy everyone.
Celia X


  1. Thanks matie - I'm sure everyone will be back when you reopen.
    Take care.

  2. Phew! I misread your previous mention of closing and thought you were planning to close down for good. It is a relief to know that when we get through these scary days KT Miniatures will throw open the door a and we can all look forward to hunting for special pieces to buy once more.

    I love the sweet photo of Little Miss Blue Dress at the door of MY shop. You always present your posts here so beautifully. Looking forward to the next one.

    Thank you for cheering my first day of what, considering an alternative possibility, I should be grateful is just a minor bout of seasonal flu. Thinking of you and your daughter.
    Jenni X

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Agh! The arrogance of Kindle knows no bounds. It changes what I typed like a certain colleague I once had who loved to correct children's work with slashes of red ink, sometimes when the child in question had not even made an error.

    That was meant to be K T, not MY. Grandma and I are not making a takeover bid on your business, though she says she would buy shares, should you ever decide to float it on the stock market.

  5. Cheers Robin. And Jenni - you have given me a much needed chuckle this morning. What are you like! :) Take care everyone. Celia X
