Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Windows From A c1930s Tri-ang No.53 Dolls House Available

Just gone up for sale recently are these metal windows from a c1930s  Tri-ang No.53 dolls house. The No.53 was part of the Ultra Modern Series (the flat roof art deco type).

These have all come from a totally dilapidated dolls house that could not be saved, and  rarely come along. They have all been over painted in blue, there is no acetate glazing, but are in a solid condition. The ones seen above are the smaller version.
There are some corner windows too, which are basically the smaller windows that have been bent at a 90 degree angle.

Then there is this large metal window.
Plus another large window that has been slightly curved as it has come from the bay window.

All of these are currently available and can be found under the "Restoration" section, on the following link:

There was a sun room that came with these but it was snapped up straight away, unsurprisingly due to its rarity.

There are one or two other components from the same dolls house including doors...which will go up for sale shortly.

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