Friday, 1 September 2017

Super Antique Dolls House Furniture Made From Hobbies Plans c1922-1934

Followers of KT Miniatures will know that I love almost ANYTHING dolls house related from the 1920s/1930s!! Well, these three little gems of that era have just gone up for sale on KT Miniatures. It was hard to let go of them but go they must, as I have no more space in my miniature abodes to justify keeping them. 

This is a wooden china cabinet made from "Hobbies" plans that were available from 1922 to 1934. How do I know this? Well although I do have some old Hobbies Handbooks, I do not have any of the earlier ones. So it is in fact thanks to Rebecca Green, owner of the super Dolls Houses Past & Present website, and editor of her website's excellent magazine, who has written a number of hugely informative articles tracing the history of the Hobbies company, which can be found within the website's magazine archives. The feature that mentions this furniture can be found on the following link:
The fretwork frontage is fixed and still glazed with the original glass. It never ceases to amaze me how such fragile pieces with real glass ever lasted at all in young hands!
Access to the cabinet is from the back and could look fantastic laden with old china, glassware or weeny ornaments. 
This wooden piano with fretwork upper frontage has also been made from the same plans. 
 The piano has been given a two tone stained finish and is quite charming.
 The original paper keys is still present...although as you can see this is rather playworn and at each end of the keys some old white glue residue is visible. But I reckon with a little patience this residue could be removed with the use of a tiny craft knife.
Both of these items can be found on the following page:

And finally....also from the same plans is this delightful  cot. It is a little playworn too and there has been some slight damage to one of the cot ends...but with a little TLC, and some vintage style bedding this could look fantastic once more. It can be found on the followng page:

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