Sunday, 21 May 2017

Yay - I'm a Grandma!

After a nail biting few days I can finally announce that I am a Grandma at long last - yay! Am thrilled to bits.

 Baby Jasper David arrived in this world on Friday evening to the sound of the Rolling Stones and Fleetwood Mac (apparently),  after giving his mum a difficult time. And even though he is rather battered and bruised, including a big forceps mark across his face - poor lad, he is already healing. 
He is gorgeous and I had my first cuddle with him yesterday. 

So as mum and baby hopefully arrive home today I may be a little pre-occupied on Grandma duties, but will continue to check my emails and will resume further listing to the website in a day or so. 


  1. Oh Celia!! He is just lovely. What a little darling.
    Congrats to all - grandma, Mum, Dad.

  2. Just gorgeous!!!!! Congrats to Mum and Dad - now you are part of a very special club and you can love him to bits!!

  3. Thanks Donna and Robin. He is lovely isn't he but then I am rather biased! :) Have been waiting years to be part of the "Grandma Club" and it got to the point that I thought it was never going to happen. And now here I am and I just can't believe it. At the moment he seems like a little angel, but judging by the run around he gave his mum even before he was born, I suspect his parents are in for an interesting time! Celia

  4. Felicidades por ese feliz llegada, a ti y a sus padres.Feliz semana:-)

  5. Hello Celia,
    Congratulations! He is absolutely beautiful. I wish him all the happiness in the world!
    Big hug to you both...well, not so big for him as I don't want to hurt him...

  6. Thanks everyone for stopping by and for your good wishes. Am delighted to say that Jasper is doing well. Celia
