Sunday, 4 December 2016

A Few Miniature Curios....Some Quite Rare!

If you have been following KT Miniatures' website this week you will have noticed that in the past few days quite a few items have been put up for sale. Some flew off the shelf almost immediately but there is still plenty on offer. 

Rare c1930s Charbens Metal Bookcase & Bureau
 I have handled a fair few c1930s Charbens metal furniture pieces over the years but this is the first time I have had this particular model, so I would say that this is one of the more rare Charbens items.
It is all metal and hollow inside but still quite heavy. As you can see it has suffered a fair bit of paint loss but even so, this is highly desirable. This can be found on the following page:

This antique plaster crab is such a curious thing - I have never seen anything quite like this before. Its exact age or origin is unknown but I suspect it is probably of German make and as it came with a group of early 1900s dolls house items, I am assuming it is from that era. He just makes me smile!
 Then there is this cast iron Victorian bucket, it is so heavy. 
One can just imagine how much enjoyment this has given many little people over the decades, as it is a tad on the rusty side inside and has probably been filled with water many times.
 This miniature wood and black bristle brush is exquisite, measuring 1 1/2" long. Again, exact age or origin is unknown so I would describe this as vintage. If you have an old dustpan that is in need of a brush then this could be for you. 
These can be found on the following page:

 This is another curious item! It is a KIDDICRAFT MINIATURE CHEQUE BOOK. 
I understand that this was produced in conjunction with Martins Bank Ltd during the 1950s-1960s and is literally an exact miniature version of a Martins cheque book. All cheques are still present and unused, and even though the first cheque has been removed it is still present. I have placed a 20p piece in one of the photos above so that you can instantly get a feel for the size of this item. As you can see it is quite large in scale but if you have an old dolls house or miniature shop where scale does not matter, this could be a fantastic addition to your collection. 

 This is a lovely Victorian metal and glass picture/photo frame.

Actually we know that it used to house a photo, simply because on the backing paper is the wording: G. HERBERT - PHOTOGRAPHER and there is a Banbury address. But the photo is long gone. However, it is in super condition and perfect for someone to put their own photo or old picture inside and hang on an old dolls house wall.
Now a real antique gem...when I first obtained this DEWROPS miniature book, I assumed that it dated from c1920s because inside there is an inscription in ink saying FROM GRANDMA 1920. 

I cannot make out who the recipient Grandma intended it for as it is faded plus a later owner has written in big ink letters her name too. 

However, on researching CHISWICK PRESS: CHARLES  WHITTINGHAM, the named printer, I realised that in fact this is probably a lot older than first thought.  Apparently Charles Whittingham died in 1876 and someone else took over his company, so this has to be pre 1876! I am now of the opinion that as this is a book of biblical verse for each month of the year, that "Grandma" was passing on a family item to their grandchild.

How fascinating is that!

These items can be found on the following page:

There are lots more old miniature treasures to be listed to KT Miniatures this coming do keep checking the website and feel free to get in touch if anything takes your fancy!  
Celia x


  1. Love the Dewdrops book - what a treasure.

  2. The book of Bible Verses is EXTRA SPECIAL! A Real treasure!

  3. Thanks Robin and Elizabeth S for taking the time to stop by. The little Dewdrops book certainly is a hard to imagine that it was published and printed in Queen Victoria's era. If only it could talk, I bet it would have some fascinating stories to tell about the little owners that have handled it throughout the decades! :) Celia

  4. I was born in 1956 and when young was given a boxed toy post office. I'm sure it contained an identical Kiddicraft cheque book. There was also another smaller blue book similarly bound but I can't remember what was in it. Jane Sharp
