Sunday, 18 October 2015

How To Make A Simple Dolls House - From Instructions Off An Old Cigarette Card!

Look what I found tucked away amongst a collection of old dolls house postcards that I'd bought  several years ago off the Thame Dolls House & Miniatures Fair charity stand, and which I had long put away in a drawer and forgotten about. I was gobsmacked as I must have originally missed this amongst all the postcards all those years ago and it has been sitting in my drawer undiscovered all this time, but there again it is so tiny!!!
Basically this is a cigarette card measuring just 2 5/8" x 1 3/8" produced by Wills's Cigarettes - probably around the 1930s. It states that this is card No. 13 of a set of 50 and is part of a 2nd Series of Household Hints. This card may be tiny but how fantastic is gives us a complete set of instructions including illustrations on how to make A SIMPLE DOLLS HOUSE.
 On the back of the card are these instructions - you may have to click on the image to enlarge it a little more in the hope that you will be able to read the writing. I love the bit at the end where it proclaims that "Cigarette cards make admirable pictures for the walls." Absolutely they do!!!



  1. For something so does hold a certain charm, don't you think Robin? Reminds me of a house I made when I was young, but out of a cardboard box!! Celia

  2. Que bonita es y muy curiosa!!
