Thursday, 10 September 2015

Oh Dear.....Here We Go Again! has been a case of here we go again with Mr KT Miniatures, as a few days ago I had yet another unexpected emergency ambulance ride with him to A&E.

But he has defied all odds and pulled through once more, due to the fantastic medical team at Oxford hospital and possibly a little help from "him upstairs". 

 So as you would expect, my attention has been somewhat diverted from KT Miniatures of late. My apologies for the delay sending out one or two of your current orders, replying to your emails and phone messages. And of course all listing to the website has been put on hold for the time being. I am endeavouring to catch up as and when I can. Thank you for your patience.

Hopefully Mr KT Miniatures will be home shortly and although I will have to put on my nurse's hat once more and take up my nursing duties, my other immediate attention will be put to completing the finishing touches to kit making for next week's workshop.Yes, I most definitely will be there, as I have a whole army of helpers waiting in the wings to take over my nursing duties for Saturday 19th September!!!

I am still open for business but just not around as much as usual. If I still have not replied to your email or phone message, I will do so as soon as I can. 


  1. Hello Celia,
    I am sorry to hear he has not been well. He's in my thoughts and I wish him a speedy recovery.
    Big hug to you both

  2. Thanks Giac for your kind thoughts. Much appreciated. Celia

  3. I'm sorry to hear this, Celia. I hope he gets better soon - it must be very worrying for you.

  4. Thanks Rebecca. The patient is now back home, poorly but stable once more. Celia

  5. Wishing Mr KT Miniatures a speedy and complete recovery and hoping that life is not too stressful for you, Celia.
    Jenni xx

  6. Thanks Jenni. Mr KT is making progress but life is still a little upside down. Hope you are looking after yourself too. CeliaX
