Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Just Look What Came Through The Post!!

I have just had a lovely and very unexpected surprise in the post.....an envelope filled with these beautifully illustrated postcards!
They have been created by 'Children's Book Illustrator' Rachel Clowes, who based the figure on an antique doll found in the Pollocks Toy Museum, UK. I have been following Rachel's blog for a long while now and have been completely entranced and fascinated by her exquisite work. If you click on the following link, it will take you through to Rachel's blog where you can see more of her work plus a short time lapse video of this particular illustration in the making:

If you are a lover of 1940s dolls houses, you will like Rachel's other blog too - 1940s Terrace DollsHouse where Rachel shows us her first dolls house project. As the blog title suggests....it is a Victorian terraced dolls house set in the 1940s. She has some very clever ideas!


  1. Gorgeous cards - what a brilliant artist! Love her blogs too - thanks

  2. Hello Celia,
    Those are beautiful. They have a wonderful vintage quality to them.
    Big hug,

  3. Cheers for looking Robin and Giac. They are wonderful, arn't they! Have one stuck to my fridge door so I am seeing it constantly! Celia

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words Celia, so chuffed for my postcard to be on your fridge door, another friend has done the same :)
    Thank you to Robin and Giac too for the lovely comments! Best wishes, Rachel x

  5. Thanks also for mentioning my dolls house blog, I plan to work on another room this summer :)

  6. Shall look forward to seeing it Rachel! Celia
