Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Booking Now Open For Brand New Autumn Workshop!

Last Saturday's Spring Workshop at Bicester Avenue Garden Centre was a great success and good fun. Lucie Roper, editor of Dolls House & Miniatures Scene magazine joined us for the day too and you will be able to read her write up of how she got on in the August 2014 issue (available June 26th).

To view lots of photos and read all about it, please do go take a peek at our Nostalgia In Miniature Workshops blog on miniatureworkshops.blogspot.co.uk.

Meanwhile, full details of our Autumn Workshop are now live on our workshop website and am delighted to say that booking is now...

Down The Little Old Herb Garden Path Workshop

This will be one rather lovely miniature herb garden as never seen before....completely unique, brimming with nostalgia and vintage character!! The little scene as always with our projects, is being offered in both 1/12th and 1/24th scale, can stand alone or sit alongside a dolls house....even a vintage dolls house!

 For full details, including a downloadable booking form, please see promotional page on our Nostalgia In Miniature Workshop website:

If you would like to reserve a place, please don't hesitate to contact us asap as spaces are limited.


  1. Hello Celia,
    That looks like such a great project. I know it will be very popular.
    Big hug,

  2. Thanks 12Create. Yes, we are looking forward to it already! Celia
