Tuesday, 1 April 2014

A Pretty Mid 1920s Lines Bros. Ltd. DH/1 Dolls House Now For Sale

At last, I have been able to put this rather lovely mid 1920s Lines Bros. Ltd.  DH/1 Dolls House up for sale today....it is quite a pretty little thing.

On the outside, all is in original condition. This particular model has a very attractive balcony on the front.
All the metal windows are intact with real glass....the bottom left window has an addition of an unusual mock lace transfer over the window but it is quite pretty. 

The brick paper on the exterior is original, so too the roofing paper. Refreshingly both removable chimneys are still present...these were so often lost over the years!
 The house is of wooden construction and the frontage opens as one, to reveal four main rooms plus a hall, staircase and landing. Original wallpaper still exists on the inside of the frontage plus in the lounge....although the lounge paper has a border of white ceiling paint all around the top where at some point in the life of this house, it had been painted. Tantalising remnants of paper can be seen still where fireplaces have been removed.....
What is rather nice is that the last previous owner who had this house for many years, instead of ripping out the remnants of original wallpaper and redecorating over the top like many people do,   simply created removable mock walls to sit in front. These mock walls were decorated in more modern papers leaving any remnants of original papers still safe underneath. How wonderful is that! Clearly this house has been much cherished. There is a Tri-ang fireplace fixed to one of the mock walls....and all will be kept with this house if sold..including a Tri-ang fireplace which is fixed to one of the mock walls.

This house is now up for sale and can be viewed on the following link: