Friday, 14 February 2014

Thame Fair Stock Page Now Taking Shape!

I may have been quiet of late but I have  still been beavering away in my workroom.....honest! 

First up.....I must say a quick word to all of you who have been terribly affected by the floods these past few days here in the UK and high winds....(in fact weeks for some of you). One or two of you have already been in touch, telling me your stories about water flowing through your house and my heart goes out to you! I am full of admiration on how you manage to cope with such positivity and cheeriness.

Although we are in for another massive battering tonight and the weekend, I hope I am not tempting providence here by saying that Thame in Oxfordshire is absolutely fine, the water meadows on the flood plain are doing their job beautifully and there is not a problem around here. I have received some worried emails and a phone call from prospective visitors to the Thame Fair next week (Saturday 22nd) already, wondering how bad the flooding is here!! It is a common mistake to assume that the River Thames flows through Thame but it doesn' is the River Thame that flows through and entirely different. So we hope lots and lots of you can come to the wonderful annual event next week and hope that we can help cheer you up!

You may have noticed that the annual Thame Fair Stock Page went live midweek, listing many of the my handmade items that will be available at next week's Thame Fair.There is a sliding link on my KT Miniatures Home Page and I will endeavour to add to the list each day.
Here are just a few of my creations....there will be lots more on the day but hope that I can tempt your miniature tastebuds! Hahaha... As always, my handmade items are created so that they can be used in both vintage or modern reproduction dolls houses.
Today I have begun to add a long list of the antique and vintage goodies too. I will feature lots of photos of these old items next week on here. However, in the hope of tempting you, here is a photo of a gorgeous 1920s Lines Dolls House that I will have on my KT Miniatures Stand.



  1. I'm glad to hear that Thame isn't flooded, Celia! I hope there aren't many flooded roads on the way there, to prevent people from going .... However, having looked at the list, I look forward to seeing what is added to your website after the fair!!!

  2. Hahaha hoping that there won't be much left on the list after the event, but we shall see! Celia

  3. Hello Celia,
    I am happy to hear you are not affected by the terrible flooding. I hope the fair will be great!
    Big hug,

  4. Ooh! The stock looks amazing. Hope you have time to take a photo or two of your stand to show us what we missed!
    Here's hoping you get there easily and so do lots of customers.
    Jenni x

  5. Cheers Giac, yes luckily Thame remained flood free.

    Jenni, I will endeavour to take some photos on the day. Celia
