Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Unusual Miniature Antique Dolls & Other Vintage Dolls House Treasures......

Over the past 24 hours quite a large variety of vintage items have been put up for sale on KT Miniatures website.

Have you ever seen a doll like this before with a moulded hat that has a crescent on? I certainly haven't! The previous owner told me that it was certainly appears to be a little different from the usual bisque 1930s German dolls that I commonly have here at KT Miniatures. Personally, I think there is something rather charming about this particular doll. There is no mould number or any kind of makers mark that are often seen on the bisque dolls. Needless to say, if anyone out there can identify it's origin or the significance of the hat, I would love to hear from you.
I don't think I have ever handled such a tiny genuine antique Kewpie doll before! The previous owner (same lady who owned the bisque doll above) tells me that it is a 1930s celluloid Kewpie doll. Its arms actually move and it is only 1 1/2" long. The photo doesn't do this is actually very sweet and would look fantastic in an antique dolls house nursery.
Both these dolls can be found for sale on the following page:

 A rather nice circa 1930s Pit-a-Pat dining table and two different upholstered dining chairs have been listed to the Pit-aPat page:

 Here is an early 1900s German sideboard. Believed to be oak with beautiful pressed Art Nouveau designs on the doors, drawers and underneath the upper shelf. Isn't it gorgeous!?
This is a 1930s table with original material table top and embellished with raffia.....I love it!
Both the sideboard and table can be found with many other new additions on the following page:

I will be continuing to list to various sections of KT Miniatures' website over the next couple of days plus I have at least two dolls houses to list.


  1. Hello Celia,
    Wow! Those are some wonderful pieces! the oak furniture is terrific! I also just saw your last post about Susan's work and I also was blown away.
    big hug,

  2. Hi Celia
    Oh, what a fest for the eyes! Mum HAS seen a similar doll to the little man with the hat, though not exactly the same. Emailing you about it.

  3. great furniture - I like the texture of the leather.

  4. Hi Giac. Is good to hear from you...yes, the oak sideboard is rather nice isn't it?

    Jenni...many thanks for your email, your info is extremely interesting!! I shall now embark on a little research with the info that you have given me and if I make any headway, I will put it up on KT Miniatures Journal.

    Cheers Troy. I know what you mean about the "leather". On that particular chair you can see in the photo, it is Rexine which was a mock leather, very fashionable I understand in the 1930s and cheaper than leather. Celia
