Saturday, 21 September 2013

A Bit Quiet Here Now!

If I have appeared a little distracted this past week or so,  it is with good reason. My immediate family have reached the end of an era and my offspring have now all flown the nest!
I was not prepared for the emotional roller coaster that has hit me like a thunderbolt! Yep....have just returned from up north, having packed my car to the hilt and driven my youngest to university for the first time. 

Having got through the stressful task of getting up the M1 in one piece in torrential rain, navigating my way through a city centre, join a mad scramble along with everyone else to try and park as near to the halls as possible and carry stuff up three floors to her room-I braced myself for the inevitable parting! We have been through this twice before with her older brothers in the past, the homesickness was the worst for the eldest I seem to remember but as soon as he discovered the student union bar he made a dramatic recovery. But tissues were not needed on my daughter's part, in fact far from it....she couldn't stop smiling as we bid our farewells.  By the time I had driven to my overnight stop to break the long journey, blubbing a little quietly to myself along the way I must add, I had been informed via mobile, that she had unpacked and was off to a party that night with a flat mate...hey ho!

Now all three offspring have fled the nest and I hate is sooooo quiet around here, we are missing her terribly already and she's only been gone one day!!!! 

A friend of mine had a brilliant and very appealing idea that helped her and her hubby cope with her kids leaving the nest, of challenging themselves to visit as many counties in England within 12 months and have an alcholic drink in each....she said they nearly did it, missed out only on one or two counties and had had great fun in the process!  Hahaha.....I have suggested this to Mr KT Miniatures and we find this very appealing indeed. 

Actually we have already started so can cross one county off the list!!!!!



  1. Now that sounds like a great way to lose the baby-gone blues and recapture a little of your own 20 something past!
    Don't worry, Celia, your little girl will soon be home for the Christmas holidays - with a huge bag of laundry and a little mending for you to do, just to remind you of what you are missing, lol. Seriously though, the first month of an empty nest is the worst. You'll soon find yourself enjoying hearing the stories of her new, grown up life. It does get easier.

  2. Awww...thanks Jenann for your kind words. Isn't it youngest and I were often at loggerheads when she was at home, but now that she has gone am really missing her. But with them all gone, I won't miss the washing and food bills will certainly be cheaper!! So it does have its advantages. looking forward to the alcoholic county challenge!!!lol Celia

  3. Hehe!
    Save a couple of nearby counties to share a glass or two with your daughter in the uni holidays! I'm hoping to get to Brighton to do that with mine, in the next week or two.
    Jenni xx

  4. A drink in each county sounds a good plan to me. You never know what treasures you might find on the way as well.

  5. Hi 12Create...absolutely! Wherever I go now, I just can't resist exploring local junk shops, antique centres and car boot sales!! I now have a good excuse to seek even further. lol that's a good idea. My daughter is up in Yorkshire so plenty of counties surrounding there! Enjoy your visit to Brighton! Celia

  6. Hi Celia,

    I've waved goodbye to four boys at university and still do it now as my youngest is working in Johannesburg and my third is in Cambridge.
    It's hard, I know and your head is saying yes, freedom to do what you want but your heart says something else!
    I always thought it was just me !
    Margaret x

  7. Hi Margaret
    It must be even harder to have four offspring leave the nest, even more so if they go so far away. slowly getting used to the quietness. Celia
