Monday, 27 May 2013

KT Miniatures New Website To Go Live On Friday

Have been working solidly these past few days on one final push to get my brand new KT Miniatures website up and running. Fingers crossed, this coming Friday (UK time) I hope to press the "live" button...and all will be unveiled!

I have completely streamlined the whole set up so should be much more simple to use and of should be completely compatible for mobiles and iPads too, which sadly my current website is not and is the main reason for me changing over.

Have also used this as an opportunity to make decisions on the services I have to offer and after much deliberating,  for several reasons have decided to discontinue making room boxes to commission. Although I love doing them, they are so time consuming and becoming less viable these days but I hope to offer an occasional quirky set scene for sale now and then.
Meanwhile, no new stock will be listed to my existing KT Miniatures website until the new one goes live on Friday -although you are welcome to order as usual. Then amongst new stock that will be listed,  you will find at least 3 rather lovely antique/vintage dolls houses up for sale along with loads of lovely vintage goodies.  Am rather nervous about it all actually.............



  1. Hello celia,
    I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope the new site goes smoothly. Have a greatw eek and I look forward to seeing your new site.
    Big hug,

  2. Good luck! Your new site will be a success! =)

  3. Your existing websites is one of the best around so I have no doubt the new one will be superb!

  4. Cheers people for all your lovely comments and good wishes. All is on track and hope to press "the" live button on Friday! Celia
