Sunday, 6 January 2013

Oh Dear....New Year Computer Gremlins Already Struck!

Unfortunately KT Miniatures website is completely stuck out in cyberspace at the moment. My main computer has died well and truly this be honest, it is not a surprise as it had been sent to the naughty corner at least twice since I opened on Thursday!!! The noises it was making have been rather strange and it had kept freezing....prompting some choice expletives from my vocabulary, I can tell you! Yesterday, I attempted once again to  list some stock on the Dol-Toi page, from Marion Osborne's collection but after nearly 2-3 hours of battling, all I managed was to get about 5 items up. Oddly, the Dol-Toi page looked fine when viewed in Explorer but all weird when viewed in Firefox.....????? But then I am reliably informed by my IT Director (aka Mr KT Miniatures) that that was a separate problem and nothing to do with the mechanics of my computer dying. Oh I wish I was technically minded!!

And today, even though I had tried being nice to my big computer-I was resigned to the fact that other than the blue message that says FATAL ERROR right across the page....and then a load of gobbledy goo, was as much as I was going to get from it. Now, I can't even get that -it is well and truly beyond help.

So dear folks....KT Miniatures is now going to have to take a few days break whilst a new computer is purchased and I do battle trying to recover lost files, etc.

 I have this little laptop so, unless this decides to come out in sympathy too with his big brother, then I can still communicate by email. If you have outstanding orders with me, then unfortunately I am not going to be able to type invoices etc. as the printer is connected to the now defunct computer....sorry. Also, the website will have to remain static until I can hook up the necessary software to a new computer. If your order process is going to be delayed, I will be in touch. 
Apologies again.


  1. Huge and sympathetic mutterings....

  2. Aargh,les choses contre nous! I hope it's all sorted very soon.

  3. Hello Celia,
    Remember wehn people used to say "technology will make your lives easier and less frustrating"? Ha!
    I hope you don't have too much trouble with your files and setting up the new computer. We will be waiting for you!
    Big hug,

  4. Cheers for your comments everyone. have a new computer but still battling with it all, but hopefully fingers crossed, maybe over the worst now.....we shall see! Celia
