Monday, 17 September 2012

c1937-1940 Tri-ang No.24 Dolls House

A delightful dolls house in need of a new owner and ready to embark on a new chapter.
It is a very old Tri-ang dolls house, originating from the latter half of the 1930s and this particular model doesn't come along very often which makes it quite special. Although it has undertaken a relatively recent makeover, it is pleasing to find some original features still present.

A scanned image from an old catalogue. You can see what it would have looked like originally.

A balcony is situated underneath the right upper window. The sides, back and upper frontage are covered in a textured stucco effect, which probably would have been a kind of off-white but has been painted a beige colour. 

However,  I love the brickwork that the previous owner has very cleverly created on the lower half of the frontage,as the original brickwork is long gone. A lovely paint effect over handmade card brickwork gives it an aged patina and added depth...much more effective than modern brick paper and although I am a bit of a purist where antique dolls houses are concerned.... actually I would be inclined to keep it.

The house opens at the front in two parts to reveal four rooms. A staircase rises from the right hand lower room and leads up to the upper right hand room. There are two interior opening doors. The walls have relatively modern wallpaper. It is hard to say if the original papers are lurking underneath but would be fun to find out.

The original flooring papers are still intact.
All Tri-ang metal windows are also still in situ and have been re-painted in a two tone green colour. As you can see from the scanned image higher up on this posting, they would have been brown and would not be too difficult to restore. It would  also not be too difficult to remove the modern plastic shutters and replace with Tri-ang reproduction green card shutters, in order to keep it more like the original. 
The roof is in excellent condition and both chimneys still remain. 

What is also rather refreshing is that the Tri-ang tin label can be found on the rear of the roof.

All in all, this is a lovely dolls house.....clean, no hint of woodworm as far as I can see and the new owner could move straight in....although the purists in you may wish to embark on some restoration first. 
It is available to purchase and full details can be found on the following link.


  1. Hello KT,
    This is beautiful and it looks like it's in pretty good shape. It's great to see the interior rooms intact enough to get a real feel for the original house.

  2. It's a lovely house Celia, and even though some work has been done it still has a lovely aged look.

  3. Hi Giac....yes it is in good shape really, considering its over 70 years old. you like the aged brickwork at the front? Whoever undertook that did a great job. As you know, I am a bit of a purist where these old dolls houses are concerned but I really like the paint effect. Celia
