Thursday, 10 November 2011

Vintage Goodies Plus Some Handmade Pieces - Available Saturday

As you will probably know by now, if you have been following KT Miniatures Journal over the past couple of weeks, I shall be attending the little Haddenham Dolls House Exhibition & Fair at Haddenham Village Hall in Buckinghamshire this coming Saturday, 12th November.

Well, preparations for it are almost complete.......the handmade items have been priced up and packed away, although I managed to take a couple of pics before these went into their trays. Above you can see one of the hand painted 1930s style cushions that sits on an aged settee which has been given a mock rexine effect finish, then covered in a tired "old throw" along with some 1930s books, magazines etc.
Amongst various vintage style pieces are some vintage needlework ephemera sets (the fabulous weeny cotton reels are by David Edwards).

I have also spent a wonderful afternoon sifting through boxes of vintage goodies....choosing bits and pieces to bring on Saturday....none of which are currently listed on my website.
There are all kinds including an unmarked Elgin table and chair, turn of the century bisque dolls, antique soda syphon, pots, pans, German piano, vintage glassware, 1930s Xmas trees, a Pit-a-Pat fireplace, vintage coffee grinder and Doulton type lots more!
I just have to show you a close up of this absolutely gorgeous Kaybot plaster fireplace.....I am having huge difficulty parting with this but go it must and to be honest, I have no dolls house that it can fit in at the moment. The colour is richly beautiful and moulded features just wonderful.
This doll intrigues me greatly. At first glance when he came in, I assumed he was a Grecon Grandpa but on observation, I could not help but notice his weight due to huge lead feet....honestly....he is considerably heavier than your standard Grecon, plus the shape of his head is flatter. He has only four buttons on his waistcoat (don't Grecons have six?) and the checked pattern of his trousers is bigger than the Grecon Grandpas I have seen. So, I am of the opinion that this is a Tomac Grandpa doll. There is a Grandma too that came with him but she is slightly bald...poor lady, but she will be for sale too.

What is not sold on Saturday at the event, will then go up for sale next week on KT Miniatures website.

The event is at Haddenham Village Hall, Bucks HP17 8EE (2 miles from Thame and close to M40 - jncts 6-8). The event opens at 10.00 and closes at 4.00 and the event is in aid of Hearing Dogs For Deaf People & Leukeamia And Lymphoma Research.
Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping you might be able to help identify some dolls that I recently bought. I know that the old lady is grecon because of her tag, but I was wondering how old she might be. I am also really curious about the doll that looks like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz. I would like to send a picture but am not sure how.
