Saturday, 26 November 2011

Can Anyone Identify These Old Dolls?

A lady called Glenda from the US has sent me photos of her treasured collection of very old dolls that belonged to her mother and would very much like to know if anyone can help her identify them.
Hansel & Gretel.....Plus The Wicked Witch
A very well known auction house stated that they were Grecon dolls but Glenda is not convinced. When I saw the photos, I have to say that in my opinion, they are not Grecons  for a number of reasons but quite what make they are.....I have not a clue. Glenda is hoping that someone reading this may be able to identify them. Glenda's mother bought them in Murneau,Germany in 1948. They are all fairy tale and nursery ryhme characters including animals....and are truly delightful.
Red Riding Hood & The Big Bad Wolf
Little Miss Muffet & Spider
Three Little Kittens
Goldilocks & The Three Bears

 I won't put them all up on here but have chosen just a few ....enough for you to be able to get a gist of their style and see their features. Arn't they lovely?
Snow White & The Seven Dwarves
As these were purchased in post war Germany, one assumes they are of German origin but are they? Glenda would dearly love to find out more about her collection as she has been trying for years to identify them. She says that when the Antique Road Show came to Atlanta, their experts could not shed any light on their origin either.

If you do have some info, please feel free to leave a comment on here or send me an email....I will then pass on any info to  Glenda.


  1. Oh my goodness! These are the cutest dolls I have seen! What a lucky little girl Glenda's mother must have been. :)

  2. They are gorgeous arn't they Christine. Celia

  3. These are German Baps dolls made by Frau Edith Von Arps from 1940s to 1960s. Google Baps dolls for several sites about them. Cheers, Florine

  4. I have the same set and many more.
