Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Special Project Is Progressing!

A week or so ago, I showed you an image of a rusty old dustbin that I had made with Robin Britton my Nostalgia In Miniature Workshops partner. She had constructed it out of a cat food box and I had the job of painting it up in enamels....which is all part of a big magazine feature that we are in the middle of working on. Well.....this project has progressed a little further!!!!

As you can see, the dustbin is now filled with rubbish from the 1950s.......surrounded by more rubbish, some of a quite festive flavour. No, your eyes are not deceiving you......you can see an opened 1950s can of Heinz Tomato Soup made out of card....great fun!
Well.....the project is still not quite finished yet but from the image above you can gain a hint of what the project is all about!!!

Hope to bring you more images as this project progresses plus some exciting news about it in a few days time....so watch this space!!! 

Just to say a huge THANK YOU to all the ladies who attended our workshop last Sunday. It was a lovely, lovely day and a very relaxing one too. I think a good time was had by all and much creativity went on in the three hours that we had together!!! The atmosphere was terrific.

Congratulations to Linda and Kazumi who were our two raffle prize winners this time!
I am pleased to announce that our raffle and refreshments last Sunday raised a grand total of £35.34. All monies raised are in aid of Breast Cancer Campaign and at the end of the year a single cheque of all money raised through our workshops will be presented to the charity.
Huge THANK YOU to everyone who contributed!
So far, since our workshops began in June, we have raised over £70.00....so lets hope we can far exceed this amount by the end of the year!

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