Friday, 29 July 2011

A Little Bit Of Inspiration From The 1930s & 1950s.

These may not be real miniatures but....they are a bit on the small side! A visitor to my workroom the other day was bowled over by them and thought what a good idea it was to use something so small in such a useful way and said she found it inspirational.   So I thought I would share some of my lovely vintage  pieces in my workroom  with you, that although were meant for children in eras gone by, now serve a very practical purpose in holding my brushes, tools etc on my workbench.
This little child's teapot, believed to be from a 1930s children's tea set is simply gorgeous with an image of two characters from the Bruin Boys (from Tiger Tim fame) ....that appeared in comics, annuals etc. over the 1920s/30s and later (I understand).  I absolutely adore it and the colouring is so muted and beautiful even all these years later.  I have no idea of the maker but it just says MADE IN ENGLAND on the bottom.

There is actually a tiny sugar bowl too which is useful to keep tiny pins, nails it etc. They came along  a while ago now, in a whole batch of dolls house bits and pieces  which were all part of "A Lot" at auction. I was not expecting them and found them lurking in the bottom of a very large box of vintage mini furniture.
I also have a Disney teapot that has an image of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on a bike....wonderful....and guaranteed to make you smile. This is from a child's 1950s tea set and is marked Beswick on the bottom. It was in that same box of vintage dolls house bits and over the years, this teapot has come in very useful you can see!
Ok...this last piece was not meant for children obviously, nor can it be classified miniature in any way but is wonderful and I love it! This very old enamel jug was picked up for a snip at a car boot sale but is real handy for my larger brushes, rulers etc. 
So there you go.....hope you have found this inspirational too!  


  1. Brilliant and faascinating it! Many thanks for this lovely glimpse.

  2. What a great idea!!

    I have an old toy tea set of mine lurking up in the attic so I must unearth it. Perfect bits 'n bobs storage for a miniature toymaker methinks....


  3. Yep-they certainly come in handy. Think there is something magical with this vintage children's china teasets...don't you think?Celia
