Monday, 23 May 2011

THE OLD BOOK SHOP - 1/12th Scale Shop Front

I may have been a little quiet these past few days but have been beavering away on all sorts of projects up in the workroom!

One of the "new" creations is now complete and today has been put up for sale on KT Miniatures - a little secondhand book shop front, similar to one that I have made before but slightly different in design, colour and contents.
In fact this one, unlike the previous shop front,  has an aged painted finish - to give the impression of a slightly neglected old shop.  This little room box is crammed full with tiny replicas of real books mostly from the 1920s-1940s.

 The three sash windows open fully so whoever purchases this can add to the shelves if they wish.
Personally I am a sucker for old books and can literally spend hours scouring the nooks and crannies of old secondhand bookshops.  With this little scene I have tried to capture the essence of these wonderful old musty places.
Many of you may recognise some of the children's books? Yep...tucked away is a 1930s aged Gold Wonder Book, Gullivers Travels, Arthur & The Knights, Black Beauty etc....... in fact there are well over 60 books in total!

This is very compact and can easily sit on a shelf, a mantlepiece or be hung on the wall. Could make an ideal present for someone. Unlike many of my larger projects, this little shop front can be posted overseas.
For full details and more photos go to:


  1. This is so lovely! A bookshop with books--I've always wanted one, real or to scale. Very nice indeed! :-)

  2. That is just the sort of bookshop I would love to visit.

  3. gorgeous.. it could also be the beginning of a streetscape. who doesn't love a bookshop, especially when there are treasures to be found. :)

  4. I just love it!!! The books looks so well read and have wonderful covers! The shop is perfect!!

  5. Aah...thank you everyone for your kind comments. Was great fun to make. When undertaking commissions I usually have to work to a brief so it is fun once in a while to have the freedom to experiment without a brief. Celia

  6. Wow... this is wonderful Celia! I just love little shop windows, they're perfect to showcase a special collection like this.


  7. This is lovely Celia.


    Debie xxx
