Wednesday, 4 May 2011

All Good Things Must Come To An End.

After two glorious bank holidays in a row here - all good things must come to an end I suppose.  KT Miniatures may have only been open for just 4 days out of the last 12 but I have not been completely idle during that time....honest!

As you have probably guessed from the theme of my joint venture with Robin of Coombe Crafts - Over The Little Garden Fence Workshop (we only have 2 spaces left now by the way)  that yep, I do love gardening. Most of the year, my garden takes on a rustic and rambling look - ie. usually in desperate need of pruning and weeding due to lack of time & energy. But I have had no excuse these past few days; digging and weeding I have done in abundance! Then in  a moment of creativity decided to make a herb garden - something I've been meaning to do for ages.

Although it is far from complete - its definitely well on its way. Just like with my miniatures, in real life I love old battered items such as this old terracotta pot filled with parsley. The pot may be aged, discoloured & cracked but I love it! By the way,  if you are wondering why there is lemon peel all over the herb patch - let's just say that I have been told that it can act as a cat repellant.  Little Freddie thinks that any newly dug soil is his litter tray! Molly (the black & white cat) is much more refined & goes elsewhere....maybe it's a "male thing"!  It's still early days but so far so good, it seems to be working. I am also told that lavender and rue is a good deterrent so lavender is lurking in the herb garden already and I am trying to track down some rue. If none of this works then my Plan B will be this new "Scaredy Cat Plant" that people are talking about.
Then there's my little secret bit which is my hideaway for chilling out when I want to be on my own.  Ok - my little arbour may be ancient & slightly distressed plus lean to one side when I sit on it,  but I adore it still. To me naturally aged objects have real character and presence.Yes, it may need yet another lick of paint but it will simply have to wait for now.

KT Miniatures is now back open for business and I hope to start loading up more vintage items shortly including a couple of dolls houses. I am also about to embark on some "making" so watch this space!


  1. Wow - you have got on well!! Love your own little back to work dear!!

  2. Shame isn't it Robin...sun's shining again- am torn between garden and work. Oh the joys of self employment! Sadly I think work it's going to have to be today. Celia
