Wednesday, 27 April 2011

GeeBee Dolls House For Sale On KT Miniatures

Just listed this morning on KT Miniatures website is a very attractive little 1950s-60s GeeBee dolls house.
This is a 1/16th scale dolls house of wooden construction in original played with condition. Have to admit that there are various models of GeeBee dolls houses that I am just not keen on but this particular model is something else and simply delightful. It consists of only two rooms (like the Tri-ang No 60s & 61's etc.) .....a small room downstairs and one large room upstairs. This particular example is completely bare inside with the original white paint which is refreshing.

The pull out tin canopies are, as far as I know, quite unique to the GeeBee dolls houses, which were made by the Tudor Toy Company of Hull. This particular model I understand, was manufactured during the 1950s & 1960s. However, these tin canopies as well as the immediately recognisable tin Romside windows, would most definitely not pass any modern health and safety regulations these days.

To little fingers, the edges particularly on the tin canopies in theory could be sharp enough to cut! How did the manufacturers get away with this in their day? Although saying that, my lovely little wooden dolls house made by grandfather back in the '60s had tin Romside windows & I just accepted that I would sometimes get grazed knuckles/fingers etc from my windows if I wasn't careful! We were of a generation that grew up with dolls houses containing these elements. The generation before even had real glass windows, lead paint & rusty nails to contend with but we all managed to survive didn't we?

Another feature to these GeeBee dolls houses are that the foilage feature on the frontage is not just painted but textured too which is very effective.
Another attractive feature of this house is that it has a little driveway edged in painted "flower" borders leading up to the car port or is it (as on the Tri-angs) a sun porch? Either way, a little car could fit in there.

For full details, go to:
Sorry but this is only available to UK buyers.


  1. ooooooooooo its fabulous...wish i could get it!! i'd love an old home....why do i live in Australia!!!! still looking out for the golden wonder book in mini arriving on the website if you are making any more :D Linda x

  2. Hi Linda
    What with the bank holiday last weekend and yet another bank holiday this coming weekend (due to May day plus a certain wedding)have not had much time to create. However don't worry, the Golden Wonder Books are practically at the top of my "to do" list and I will announce them on here as soon as they go up for sale. Celia

  3. hi i have a dolls house similar to this one and wondered if you knew who might be able to help me identify the make and year? i had found it long ago on the internet but my computer has since crashed and now i'm having trouble locating it again. any help you can offer would be appreciated. you can email me at regards, h

  4. I found you through Goggle Images. I just bought a similar GeeBee house, the Tudor Cottage and need to make some awnings for it. Would you be willing to scan or photograph an awning for me? I would be very grateful! I am USA so hard to find over here. My email is
