Monday, 28 March 2011

In Celebration Of One Whole Year Of Blogging - Win A Gift From KT Miniatures!

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to those of you who have become new "Followers" to KT Miniatures Journal in the past few days.  It is hard to believe that I have now been "blogging" for an entire year, so how ironic it should be to suddenly discover that there are now over 100 of you who have kindly decided to follow the musings of KT Miniatures Journal!

Anyhow.....I am told by people who know about these things that it is blog etiquette to give away a little gift when one reaches each century of "Followers". is with great pleasure to announce that in honour of this delightful world of blog etiquette, I will give away one of my handmade 1/12th scale set of five old books along with an aged 1930's children's book (seen here below) to the person who can give us the best answer to the following question............

"What do you like most about KT Miniatures website?"
If you are not familiar with my website, please go to

Please leave your answer in the comments section below. The closing date will be April 10th and then on that day with the help of "Mr KT Miniatures" we will choose a winner - ie. the answer we like the best!  I will announce the winner on here as soon as humanly possible after that day and then will contact the winner by email.  It is open to absoutely everyone wherever or whoever you may be.
Good luck and am looking forward to hearing from you! 


  1. I love being reminded of my grand parents.

    Congratulations on reaching 100 followers, I would love to be included in your anniversary give away.

  2. Congratulations for your first bloganniversary and your 101 followers.I love a lot of your minis,the roombox are amazing one of my prefer is OLD DUSTY ATTIC ROOM BOX,and the books make me carzy.I would love to participate in your amazing giveaway,sweets regards from Spain.

  3. I love books of any size but especially miniature books. You make beautiful books. Congrats on reaching 100.

    Victoria ❤

  4. kt miniatures was the first site that i found intriguing, about 3 years ago. it has been a great source of inspiration.. thanks celia.xx
    ps. please put me in your draw.

  5. ooooooooo cute :D
    Hmmmmm what do i like about the website....its fabulous...full of inspiration, knowledge and fun stuff....i'm on it! your nice...emmm what else :D have i grovelled enough yet hahahaha
    seriously though its a fab site that i visit at least weekly and drool over the pics and fab old houses :)
    Please add me to the draw :D Linda x

  6. I am always impressed by the quality of the items you offer, and also how informed you are about the history and background of vintage houses and other pieces. I always learn something!!! I'd love to be in the draw! Thanks and congrats on 100!

  7. MANY THANKS for your comments so far ladies! Is quite entertaining!!lol You can enter as many times as you wish and be as imaginative as you like!Celia

  8. Hi Celia,
    what I like most is that your miniatures are done thoroughly and accurately, are a real replicas that have historically justified. You have many talents, you doing different things - I really like it.
    I wish you a lot of new inspiration, I'll be happy to admire them.

  9. HELLO!!!
    I just adore your great work with books they're so hard to find , it's always a pleasure to visit your blog !!!
    So continue with the good work!!!
    I would love to participate in your giveaway.
    Thank you very much for sharing your talent with us.
    Have a nice day!!
    Beatriz Martin

  10. Hi Celia... what do I love about your website? Your blog? Hmmmm!
    Well, let's start off with the easy answer first: your blog. It lets me know when you have something new on your web. It also gives me some insite about vintage doll houses and dollhouse accessories. I know you didn't ask about your blog but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy reading it.
    Your website: now that's a bit harder! First off (since most of us are visual people) your photos are wonderul, crisp, clear, enlargeable (is there such a word LOL). I love making them bigger and carefully look at all the wonderful things shown. Next, in a world where everyone seems to be enamoured trying for the Victorian look, your site stands out with it's 30s and 40s "style" ...and OMG it includes all those little realistic details that make those eras stand out: the floral pillows, the making-do furniture that needed throws arranged over the seating to hide holes or worn material. You've captured details that most of us, if we're old enough to remember our grandparent's homes, had long forgotten. Authentication is always found in the details.
    While I don't collect truly vintage dollhouse pieces, I do enjoy reading about them. Without your site, I would never have learned about "pit-a-pat", for example. Thank you educating me.
    I love your "exclusive" items; they are so well made!
    Last but not least, you also include resources ...for those among us who need all the help we can get.
    Whoever is going to win your books, will truly be a lucky person! I sure hope it'll be me!!
    Oh and BTW congrats on 100 followers. Blog etiquette aside, I've followed long enough for read about the roomboxes created for charity and to realize what a thoughtful person sits on the other side of the computer from us.

  11. Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary!! I love how realistic and "vintage" your books are! You are very talented! I would love to participate in your giveaway!

  12. I like it that the miniatures there are quite ancient which feels very mysterious and a little eerie but a great source of inspiration. I also like books and miniature books a lot.

  13. Dear Celia, Many congratulations on your blogiversary and on reaching 100 followers!
    What I like best about KT Miniatures is how well set out it is, and how easy it is to look for what I want - if I'm looking for 1/24th scale pieces, I can go straight to them; if I want Triang or Twigg furniture, it's easy to see what you've got; if I want 12th scale pieces, I can go straight to the room I want to furnish. Plus your scrolling screen keeps us up to date with what's new, so we know which sections to look in! And, of course, I love the galleries of other collectors dolls houses - love looking at other people's dolls houses! I've learned a lot from your listings, as you share your knowledge about the makers - and ask for more information if you don't know, and add any you receive! What do I like best, of all these aspects? It's very hard to separate them, as for me they all add up to a welcoming and friendly website, run by a person who is generous and genuine in wanting to give and receive information and enjoyment in a shared passion :-)
    I wish you many happy and healthy returns of your bog and website birthdays!

  14. I love the website-I aways find something I would like-even if I didnt always ought to buy it!! It is beautifully arranged and easy to follow and educational too. Congratulations on 100 followers!

  15. Huge "thank you" to everyone who have taken the time to enter this competition and leave some brilliant comments (I am feeling quite choked!). There is still another week to go as the closing date is the 10th of April.

    I will let you know who the winner is on the 11th April!!

  16. Rachel B has emailed this to be added to the competition........

    Well, a very happy 100th! What I like most about KT Miniatures website, is that it feels good. Each vignette has a warmth of days gone just want to step right in and take you back in time. How wonderful is that....even for a few moments! As for the creative vintage pieces, there isn't a detail that you miss. You seem to work on your pieces till it fits right and that's what makes it worth coming back to look at, again and again. And then, there's the actual vintage minis that you sell..... you have the eye to find the right unique pieces that would work for other peoples' creations. I hope you continue your creative journey for many years to come, so others can get enjoyment from your work and spend big bucks! Good luck to you Celia, you're wonderful to deal with! Rachel from Canada.....(this was not written by a relative)
