Wednesday, 2 March 2011

1940s Dolls By Mary Williams

Every so often I come across another artisan who makes miniatures that simply intrigue me and which grab my attention.  Today on here, I would like to introduce you to one of those artisans....... Mary Williams ( a retired detective would you believe) and her wonderful dolls.
 It was at Thame Fair a week or so ago that I was able to really stop and admire Mary Williams' dolls "in the flesh"  for the very first time. Mary's stand was full of an amazing array of her gorgeous porcelain dolls dressed in costumes spanning over several eras. However I have to say that it was the dolls dressed in the art deco and 1930s-1940s costumes that really caught my eye (followers of KT Miniatures won't be surprised as you will know that I am potty on all things 1930s-1940s)!  
You can see a variety of these 1940s dolls here, all made and dressed by Mary. I am in awe of anyone who has such skills. Her attention to detail on the costuming is just lovely. If you have a 1940s style (or even 1930s)  dolls house then these dolls would certainly complement your collection. I have to say that the two young  ladies as seen in the photo above right, particularly make me chuckle and can just imagine them "Digging For Victory" as the spitfires soar overhead!!!!

Finally I know that this is more 1920s but just had to show you this, an art deco doll.........I am sure you will agree that she is absolutely exquisite!!! She epitomises everything that a 1920s doll should be and as like with all her other dolls, captures superbly the essence of the era that it represents.

Do go take a peek at Mary's website and see the full extent of Mary's work as she produces dolls in all kinds of period costume and much more! 


  1. Thank you so much for your lovely words and mention Celia,

    Mary x

  2. are more than welcome. Was great to catch up with you at Thame. Celia

  3. I do agree with every word you've written Celia - all Mary's dolls are outstanding but her 40s characters are very special. Great to see them in real life too.
