Saturday, 15 January 2011

Some 1930s Pit-a-Pat For Sale

Well.....the other day I received a phone call from a builder from up north telling me that he  had come across a box of old dolls house bits in the attic of an ancient house he was renovating, some with Pit-a-Pat labels on........ he wanted to know if he should chuck it all in the skip or might it be worth a few bob! Umm....well, you can imagine how pleased he was when I proceeded to inform him that far from being a pile of junk, anything with a Pit-a-Pat label on was highly sought after and valuable!

Well the box has arrived.

I must say there is quite a selection of items. Not just Pit-a-Pat but some kitchenware too plus even Britains Lead Garden pieces....and a first for KT Miniatures.......some larger scale gnomes. (May have to do some research on those, not being a gnome sort of person myself) this space!!?

The goodies arrived and I have loaded a few Pit-a-Pat pieces up for sale today and as expected,  the pieces are being snapped up pretty quick. (I shall have considerably more Pit-a-Pat pieces available for purchase at Thame Dolls House & Miniatures Fair on Saturday 19th February).

For an extremely brief history of Pit-a-Pat...... 

Eric Lehrman was based in London, and manufactured under the name of the “Pit-A-Pat Toy Company” from about 1933 to 1940 and during that time produced at least 130 different items for the dolls house. These items are highly sought after and very collectable.

The mirror (top pic) is actually quite rare and does not come along very often. You can see the distinctive red square Pit-a-Pat label on the reverse. The green velvet suite is in a wonderfully well worn condition (I spend hours making new furniture look old)!  Thewooden fireplace has had a wooden hearth  added by previous opwner, but this is only held on by two nails underneath and can easily be removed if necessary....I quite like it myself.  
The sink is another rare item which just does not come along very often, however this is an unusual colour (blue) and I suspect has been overpainted as I have only ever seen them in white. Plus the wooden draining board is missing. However it is refreshing to have the taps intact.
I love the Pit-a-Pat pieces......probably because I love the 1930s period and these are all so delightfully 1930s in style!
As I load up more goodies from the box over the next couple of days....I will show some more on here.

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