Treasures that have withstood the test of time (over 70 years mostly) have luckily just about been able to withstand the playfullness of a kitten. The worst of the casualties though, was a 1920's-30's German hoover....ripped away from the main body. How most of the china stayed intact on the dresser I don't know but I have yet to find a missing teeniest wooden egg in an egg cup (should have been three, now only two)...........seriously, I think he may have eaten it! My Hobbies house is open at the back and sits on a turntable. In anticipation of Freddies arrival, this house had already been pushed right up close to the wall but somehow he still managed to get through a 3” gap at the back? I have been meaning to create a false back from Perspex for ages now, to help keep the dust out looks like this job is going to have to rise higher in priority on my list of to-dos!

But hey...guess what, even though the house has now been pushed right up against the wall with absolutely no gap at the back whatsoever, Freddie apparently decided that he was going into that house once more. My husband last night, alerted by a strange noise, found Freddie hopelessly trapped in the Hobbies house front doorway! Now let’s just say that the bloomin’ front door is hanging off its hinges. (Yes thats Freddie in pic).
I refuse to put my house away for the time being and this kitten, like any young child, is going to have to learn that my 1930s Hobbies house is out of bounds for him.....but I think the learning curve is going to be a long and painful one! Anyone else had this sort of problem?
On this occasion, I am truly lost for words......I've met Freddie though, and he is truly gorgeous.....
cute cat... put the house up for 12 months.. safer for you, kitty and the house..... then you can love them both! :-)
ReplyDeleteFreddy could be the first cat to lay an egg - keep watching!!!
Haha Mags....must admit, have found myself checking the litter tray....."eggs"pecting to find it! However, to be honest, if I did find it, not sure whether I would still want it even though it was from the early 1900s ....I'll let you know!lol
ReplyDeleteNaughty, naughty Freddie!!! He's grown quite a bit since we first met him. Aaaah bless!!!
Ahh, cats (and kittens) and dolls houses! From the cat's point of view, they no doubt seem like little houses just for them - the humans don't fit in them, and they do, so - it's obvious, isn't it? And a 3" gap? Heaps of room, just asking for a kitten to squeeze into!
ReplyDeleteMy cats still sometimes go into my Bodo Hennig house (which is open on all sides), and I find all the furniture overturned and the poor dolls lying on the floor.
I hope you can fix most of the casualties - is the hoover repairable? Although the egg may be gone for ever - even if he didn't eat it, it might have got caught up in his paw pads, or in his fur, and got carried off somewhere where you'd never find it or recognise it. I hope your other houses are safe too now!
Well... you can always dub him the honorary title of "your assistant" like I do my 3 yr old granddaughter and pretend, er... attention is on purpose...He couldn't be cuter, though! Cheers CM
ReplyDeleteaah, he is adorable, i love red cats. he looks like my Ootje who is now 5 months old. He loves to jump in my feather collection and steal a feather or steal anything from my worktable. I have several "safe"spots where he can`t reach...yet
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for your comments! I am pleased to report that since that evening when Freddie got stuck in the doorway, he has not been anywhere near my lovely old dolls house. I think he is a bit of a scaredy cat where my little house is concerned now. Hopefully the old house will be safe from now on....(we shall see)!lol
ReplyDeleteMoth balls will deter cats from garden beds, probably also from dollshouses! I hope Freddy is better behaved in his "teens"! He's adorable. Did the egg ever come to light?