Thursday, 1 July 2010

THE DOLL'S HOUSE PROGRAMME - RADIO 4 - 8th July @ 11.30am

I have just heard from Sarah Taylor, Senior Producer for BBC Radio, that “The Doll’s House” programme will be broadcast on Radio 4 Thursday 8th July @ 11.30am.
(Overseas readers, please note that the time quoted is British Summer Time).

Visitors to Thame Dolls House & Miniatures Fair back in February may have seen Sarah walking around the event with her microphone interviewing artisans and members of the public. She tells me that it has been really hard for her to edit over 11 hours of material taken on various locations to fit into just half hour allocated for the programme. Sarah also says that the Radio Times have chosen the programme as “Choice Of The Day”.

To give you a hint of what you can expect, here is a summary from the Radio Times listing for the programme:

“Sarah Taylor looks inside the world of the doll's house, hearing from those who had one as a child. For the children's writer and illustrator Lauren Child, the first doll's house she saw was made by her friend's mother from a cupboard. Many of the textiles which form the backdrop of her successful Charlie and Lola series originated as either wallpapers or fabrics from the doll's house she made in her youth. Sarah hears from some of the best UK miniature artisans who are as well known in the doll's house world of the States, Japan and the rest of Europe as they are in Britain. She also hears from the increasing number of women who are keeping the miniaturists in business as the vogue for doll's houses for adults grows.”

Sounds well worth listening to and I for one will definitely be tuning in!


  1. i would love to hear it, but, i don't think that there is much chance of that. australia is a bit far away. enjoy !! cheers christine :-)

  2. Hi Christine
    If you go to you should be able to listen to it live (although I am not sure of your time difference) - might it be middle of night for you in Australia when it is 11.30am here in UK? Failing that, I understand you might be able to listen to the programme on the above website for up to a week after. Celia
