Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Britains Lead Garden Gate

This has just gone up for sale on KT Miniatures and has to be one of my most favourite pieces of the vintage Britains Lead Garden Series of all time. For me it evokes all kinds of images of an era long gone - so very 1930's. With the right style of vintage dolls house, maybe one that has a fixed ledge frontage, this would look fabulous! The Britains flower beds can also add a real touch of lovliness to ones vintage house- I usually have at least one filled corner bed sitting at the front of my old 1930s Hobbies House...however due to my two kittens who are now taking a keen interest in practically anything large or small, mine have had to be temporarily put away...(the lead flower beds I mean)! 

The gate opens and shuts freely and comes with two beautifully moulded and painted hedge sections. Although in reality all of Britains Garden pieces are manufactured in 1/32 scale, to be honest, it's scale is irrelevant in my opinion when used with old dolls houses and can look just as good with both 1/12th and 1/16th dolls houses.

I do have more of these lead garden items to list over the coming week or so (various filled flower beds mainly).....but due to the school holidays still being in full swing here, my teenage offspring and visiting niece this week are needing a bit of ferrying around & attention...(I think I should just stick a great big sign saying TAXI on the roof of my car...and be done with it!)...therefore my time is rather limited and my "to do list" is becoming even longer at the moment. My apologies to anyone who has been waiting for the past three weeks for these Britains items....hopefully KT Miniatures routine will get back on track very shortly.

If you are interested in looking at the current Britains Lead Garden items.....CLICK HERE

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